An inspirational and transformational collaborative Photographic, Spoken
Word and Musical Journey, by Daniel Gutierrez, Malcolm Watson and Joel
This is a journey from the head to the heart. This DVD will take you deeply into this journey with the profound, inspirational and playful words and photography of Daniel Gutierrez and the powerful and passionate music and performance of Malcolm Watson (violin) and Joel Plimmer (keyboards). This talented trio will take you through a range of emotions from sadness to excitement, joy and blissfulness. It will empower you to own more deeply your true connections to God, Source, the Universe and Yourself. Daniel will take you through such topics as opening our hearts, children, knowing your magnificence, money and our relationship to it, gratitude, love and more! 9 Tracks.
Daniel Gutierrez Malcolm Watson Joel Plimmer Song Titles 1. Remember Me 2:50 Colin McAlister 2. Awakening 4:07 Plimmer/Watson 3. Freedom 1:55 Plimmer/Watson 4. Gratitude 2:13 Plimmer/Watson 5. Abundance 3:17 Plimmer/Watson 6. Integration 3:52 Plimmer/Watson 7. Our Children 2:14 Watson/Edge 8. It’s Your Time 4:33 Plimmer/Watson 9. I AM 3:52 Plimmer/Watson Pre Release Price! $19.95 |
Words spoken and originated by Daniel Gutierrez. DVD & Cover Photography by Daniel Gutierrez
All music composed and performed by Malcolm Watson and Joel Plimmer, with the exception of Remember Me/Forgotten (from Malcolm Watson’s album AppasionatA, composed by McAlister, performed by Watson and McAlister) and Our Children/Cosmic Bop (from Malcolm Watson’s album Tears of Joy, composed and performed by Watson and Edge).
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